What A Mom Like Me Wants You To Know About LUPUS

May is Lupus Awareness Month, and this incurable autoimmune disease affects approximately 1.5 million Americans, 90 percent of which are women. It’s when your immune system becomes hyperactive and starts attacking normal, healthy tissues, your life changes drastically. With symptoms of chest pain when breathing, mouth sores, hair loss, sensitivity to light, fatigue joint pain swollen lymph nodes, and…

BobSweep Is My New Favorite Toy

When I received it I was really surprised at the size of it, much smaller than I had imagined. I was anxious to test it out, so using the guide. I had it unpacked and on the charger in less than 10 minutes. I suggest  you consider the location you want to set the base,…

8 Beach Hacks Moms Needs To Know

.  Did you know it is easy to wipe off sand with baby powder? Did you ever think about freezing aloe to turn into ice cubes? Capri suns are great, but adult Capri Suns even better?Follow some of my freebies, Tips, DIYs, for making  your beach trip or family vacation a breeze.   1. Baby…